Many agile transformations fail because leadership lacks Next-Gen skills. What can you do to make your agile transformation successful? The very first step is to understand that an agile transformation is actually a journey and not a transformation in the sense of turning a knob.

With that understanding comes the awareness that this journey can only be fruitful if taken holistically. This requires both a systemic-awareness (understanding and involving the ecosystem around you) and self-awareness (being conscious about beliefs that might limit your action)

The VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) times we’re living in request situational leadership. Thus, it is essential to be aware of the situation and context and understand that there is no one-size-fits-all leadership style.

Next Gen leaders smoothly switch between servant leadership, support, coaching, and also directing and delegating. In this workshop, we will explore the essential skills of Next Gen transformational leaders. These skills ensure to get full buy-in from your team and/or your peers, understand how to increase the awareness of a situation and how to lead with a holistic understanding.


Outline/Structure of the Workshop

  • Welcome and working agreements (20min)
  • Set the stage - individual and common goals & agenda (30min)
  • Defining the context (30min)
    • What’s required for a next-gen transformational leader?
    • How are transformations impacted by a VUCA context?
  • Systemic awareness: Looking outwards and leveraging your learning opportunities (90min)
  • Self-awareness: Looking inwards and understanding your limiting beliefs & bias (70min)
  • Communication: (90min)
    • How do we communicate, and what works and what doesn't?
    • Use role play to point out necessary skills.
  • Conflicts and decisions (90min)
    • making decisions as a leader and/or with a team
    • uncovering and resolving conflict
    • role-playing conflicts & decisions
  • Reflection & discussion of possible next steps (30min)
  • Debrief and Wrap-Up (30min)

Learning Outcome

  • Understand that an agile transformation journey needs to be implemented holistically.
  • Increase your self-awareness by being conscious of your communication style.
  • Increase your systemic awareness by ensuring to lead your agile transformation holistically.
  • Learn how to resolve conflicts and how to get buy-in for your decisions

Target Audience

All conference attendees


schedule Submitted 1 year ago