location_city Virtual schedule Oct 13th 04:15 - 05:00 PM IST place Online people 73 Interested

The shift from industrial to product thinking is profound. Digital product thinking is not an evolution of industrial thinking, it is a different thing altogether. Tools and structures that support industrial efficiency work against digital product efficiency, and vice versa. Great industrial leadership doesn't transfer to great product leadership.

Industrial thinking built a 400-million customer, India-wide 4G network from scratch in less than 8 years. Now they are pivoting into a digital platform company. They still need great industrial thinkers and leaders, but they will be sharing the stage with a new generation of great digital product leaders.

This talk contrasts these two mindsets and explores why they are so different, and offers some suggestions for thriving in a hybrid industrial-product world.


Target Audience

Executives, Leaders, Managers, Coaches


schedule Submitted 4 years ago